Reasons I LOVE Oregon

1. It is absolutely beautiful. There are rolling green hills, mountains, fields of flowers, blue skies and dark rainy that make my mouth drop, and beautiful coastlines with roaring waves. There are so many colors from the greens, to the flowers, and the sound of birds chirping when spring begins to awaken.

2. Each season is absolutely different and unique. When each season begins to emerge, there is a complete difference from the previous season. I love the change between Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring.

3. Hippies live here. I love the farmers markets, fresh food, and weirdos who live in this state.

4. There is so much to do! In a short drive I can go snowboarding, to the coast, or to the mountains. Image

5. Adventure is out there. Even in my small town of Corvallis, there is so much to explore. I am constantly finding new places I love and little shops that make my insides giggle with delight.

6. Country. I live in a small agricultural town. I NEVER thought I would love a place like this. I have grown to love country music and country dancing and its amazing.

7. No Sales Tax. For a shopper like me, this is ENOUGH said!

8. Its a GREEN place. Not only physically green due to all the rain, but its a place that is kind to our earth. We recycle in this land! 🙂
Not to mention, the sunsets here take my breath away!

9. Its quirky.

10. Most of all, its home.


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