I have a secret

I have a secret. Its a secret I am ashamed to admit, scared to tell, and embarrassed for others to know about. Its a secret that has hurt me, ran my life into the ground, and has caused shame on top of shame.

I held onto this secret like someone forcing sand to stay in their hand. The more I forced, the more sand leaked out and I lost my ability to control it. Then I broke. The sand poured out and the secret began wreaking havoc on my life in more ways than one.

Then I decided to share.

I decided I didn’t have anything left to loose and it wouldn’t hurt to share. When I decided to share, to let others into the story, that is when I started to feel freedom. That is when I started to heal.

The more and more people I let into the story, to walk out the process of healing, the more freedom and healing I have experienced. I want to encourage you to share your story. Let people into the journey. Satan wants us to believe we are alone and to isolate us. Christ is victorious and always wins. Open up. Share. Let someone in. It’s worth it.
