I want to live [2014]

Its 12 days into the year 2014. Up until now, I didn’t really have “resolutions” other than goals to take better care of myself, relationships, and work harder, etc.etc… Those “resolutions” are common, but didn’t really feel like my mantra for 2014.

Over this weekend, I went camping on the Oregon Coast with a bunch of friends. It was such a great time and I am so glad I went! I realized though, this was my first camping trip in a long long time. My reason? I was always too insecure, too afraid, too (fill in the blank).

In 2014, I don’t want to be afraid anymore. I don’t REALLY have anything to be afraid of. I want to live life fully. I want to passionately seek after my Creator and follow Him. I want to try new things without fear. I want to live.

And in 2014, I’m going to. I’m going to take adventures. I’m going to explore. I’m going to try new things. I’m going to passionately love and live in my relationships. I’m going to take care of myself and revel in good things. Here’s to living!