Christianese and real transformation

We don’t want to spend our lives waiting to be delivered from all that limits us and separates us from God’s best. We want to be set free now. But that can’t happen if we refuse to acknowledge the Holy Spirit’s power. When we deny the Holy Spirit’s attributes we become like those people the Bible speaks of who live “having a form of godliness but denying its power” (2 Timothy 3:5). We become professional Christians who talk “Christianese” with such a slick veneer of superficiality that it makes us untouchable and keeps us untouched. We become all show and no heart. All correctness and no love. All judgement and no mercy. All self-assurance and no humanity. All talk and no tears. We live powerless and meaningless lives without any hope for real transformation. And without transformation, how can we ever rise above our limitations and be God’s instrument to reach the world around us? And that is what life is all about.

-The Power of a Praying Woman

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